
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beef - It's What's For Dinner

When cooking, one of the food groups that intimidates me the most is MEAT!  I don't LOVE meat and I rarely cook it, but I am trying my darnedest to experiment, practice and be open minded.  We recently purchased a box of sirloins from Omaha Steaks and decided that since it is not warm enough to grill outside yet, we would broil them in the oven.  By following Omaha's instructions of setting the rack 1" fromt eh broiler, I think these turned out pretty good!  I can't imagine eating a steak without mashed potatoes, so I whipped some up and also served with a side of peas (please excuse the abnormally large portion of potatoes in the below picture.  What can I say, it was Friday night and time to PARTY!)

Oven Steak (for when it's too cold outside to grill)
Servings: 2
Serving Size: 1 5 oz filet
Points Plus:  5 pts
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 1 minute (not including thaw time)
Cook Time: For medium rare, 13 minutes
Rating: 3 stars - Good

 Ingredient List:
2 5 ounce filet of good local quality
Kosher salt
Fresh ground pepper
*Feel free to add your favorite grill seasoning

Thaw steaks completely.  Set oven to broil and move rack to 1" under flame.  Season steaks with salt and pepper and place on broiling pan.  When oven is heated, broil for 7 minutes, flip and broil for 6 more minutes.  Adjust cook time if you like your steak mroe or less done. Voila! Whip up some mashed potatoes and enjoy!

Having a broiling pan WOULD have been great for these, but I had to use a cookie sheet.  I was imagining a world where I had a broiling pan above, because I am assuming the steaks would have been even better with that tool.  In a pinch, use a cookie sheet lined with foil.

XOXO - Katie

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