
Friday, August 2, 2013

Pasta with Cauliflower and Orange

You may remember me mentioning Bar La Grassa aka the best restaurant of all time.  Anywhoo, they make an amazing AMAZING gnocchi dish with roasted cauliflower and a creamy orange sauce that is just really amazing! I have been wanting to recreate it for a long time, and when we receive a fresh head of cauliflower in our CSA this week I knew the time had come.  I didn't have any gnocchi at home, but decided to go for it using regular pasta.  This recipe is a great example of how you can eat healthy while still using 'taboo' (delish) ingredients.  For example, heavy whipping cream?!?!?*  I created just enough sauce to create a strong creamy orange flavor to cover the pasta without over doing it (meaning using more sauce than needed).  Next up, their lobster and soft egg bruscetta - for real I have the recipe!

Servings: 2
Size: 2 cups! (see tip below)
Points Plus: 9pp
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Rating: 5 stars - Excellent!!!!!!

Ingredient List:
1 head uncooked cauliflower
1 T. olive oil
Red pepper flakes to taste (optional)
Salt and pepper
1 cup uncooked whole wheat pasta
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 T. orange juice 
Garlic salt, to taste
A sprinkle of parsley for color

Preheat your oven to 500 degrees. Cut cauliflower into small pieces (chunks) OR slice it thin as they do at Bar La Grassa. Put cauliflower on a large cookie sheet, don't crowd, and sprinkle with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to taste.  Put in the oven and roast for 17 minutes, stirring every 5.  Cauliflower should be browned. While cauliflower is roasting boil water in a small sauce pan and cook noodles according to package directions.  When pasta is done put it into a large bowl.  In the same small saucepan heat heavy cream, orange juice and a sprinkle of garlic powder.  When warmed pour over pasta and stir.  Then add cauliflower to bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste!  I added a sprinkle of parsley solely for adding color purposes. 

I LOVED this recipe (duh), but a few suggestions.  I think adding a few snipped chives on top would be delish.  If you like a stronger orange flavor add a touch of orange zest during the final steps.  Try it with 1 cup on gnocchi!

*My husband, who is not a Weight Watcher, said that he would have liked more sauce.  I disagree, but feel free to double the sauce for additional points plus!

Finally, I am a 'quantity eater' so 2 cups was a nice dinner for me.  You could split this recipe into 4 1 cup servings for 5 pp eat.

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