
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Zucchini Noodles

It is the 'zucchini' part of summer!  We have zucchini's coming out of our ears at our house! Here is a simple and tasty side dish that will use up a lot of those zucchini's that are sitting on your counter top.  You can use your mandolin to cut the zucchini the long way (more like noodles) or the short way (more like chips, like I did).  Either way will turn out great!

Servings: 4
Size: 1 1/2 cups
Points Plus: 4pp
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Rating: 3 stars - Good

Ingredient List: 
2 medium green zucchini's (refered to as squash below)
2 medium yellow summer squashes
2 t. kosher salt + more to taste
2 T. olive oil
1 T. chopped garlic
1/4 c. Parmesan cheese

Using a mandolin cut the squash either into 'chips' or into 'noodles'.  Put them into a colander and sprinkle with 2 t. salt.  Let sit for about 30 minutes.  This will take some of the water out of the squash and this step is very important! Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  After squash have sat for 30 minutes add them to the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes.  After 3 minutes drain and shock with cold water to stop the cooking process. Heat olive oil in the dutch oven.  Add garlic and saute for 2 minutes.  Add sliced and drained squashes and saute for about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.  Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Cooking squash is sort of like cooking eggplant, who knew??  Both contain a lot of water.  If you don't properly drain the squash you will get a lot of water out when you are sauteing!

XOXO - Katie

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