
Friday, April 12, 2013

Toasted Almond, Orange and Pea Pod Salad

This is a salad I threw together a few weeks ago.  Given it is spring (despite the still winter-like weather here in MN); I was craving some spring flavors.  I made this salad again this week and it was just as good as the first time.  My fiancé claims I ‘hit it out of the park’ with this salad – pretty good for a made up recipe! 

Servings:  2
Size:  Main course salad
Points Plus: 7 pts (this includes 3 pts for the mustard vinaigrette dressing)
Level of Difficulty:  Easy
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time:  5 minutes
Rating: 3 – Good
Ingredient List:
Mixed greens
1 orange
1 c. snap pea pods
½  c. sliced almonds

Toast the sliced almonds in a small pan over the stove; about 5 minutes or until browned.  Wash your mixed greens and plate out two healthy servings. Peel and section the orange; split between the two servings.  Wash the pea pods and add to each salad. Your almonds should be toasted by now; add to the salad and serve immediately.


Serve with the homemade mustard vinaigrette featured earlier this week on our blog!  Or you can choose your favorite Asian inspired salad dressing.  I really like the low-fat Sesame-Ginger from Newman’s Own as another option that goes well with this salad.

XOXO - Megan

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